Did you know that in India, one in seven individuals is a diabetic or a pre-diabetic?
90 to 95% of all diabetic patients suffer from Type II Diabetes. Once called the non-insulin-dependent diabetes, Type II Diabetes, today, is the most common form of diabetes. In this form of diabetes, the pancreas either produces less insulin or the body cannot use the insulin well enough.
90 to 95% of all diabetic patients suffer from Type II Diabetes. Once called the non-insulin-dependent diabetes, Type II Diabetes, today, is the most common form of diabetes. In this form of diabetes, the pancreas either produces less insulin or the body cannot use the insulin well enough.
Insulin is the body’s primary energy-generating hormone, and when there isn't enough insulin or it’s not used appropriately, sugar is not broken down into energy and does not reach the cells. As a result, sugar in the blood increases, leaving the body cells hungry for energy. Over time, high sugar levels in the blood can damage nerves and small blood vessels in the eyes, kidneys, and heart.
Who all have a higher risk of getting Type II Diabetes?
If not controlled, diabetes can become a silent killer. However, there are some simple tips to help keep your blood sugar levels in check. They are:
Being diagnosed with diabetes is not the end of the world because with a few simple precautionary measures and much-needed lifestyle changes, you can continue to lead a normal life.
Who all have a higher risk of getting Type II Diabetes?
- People over the age of 30-35 years
- People who suffer from obesity problems
- People who have an history of Gestational Diabetes
- People who have a strong family history of type 2 diabetes
- People who have been pre-diabetic for a long time
- People who lead a sedentary life style
- People who have erratic food patterns
- People who suffer from high blood pressure or high lipid profiling
If not controlled, diabetes can become a silent killer. However, there are some simple tips to help keep your blood sugar levels in check. They are:
- Avoid high GI foods like rice and substitute it with roti
- Avoid foods high on fat like red meat, cheese, cream, butter etc.
- Eat small portions of food frequently
- Eat insulin-sensitive fruits like apple, grape fruit or jamun fruit
- Reduce intake of salt and processed foods
- Keep your weight under check
- Exercise regularly
Being diagnosed with diabetes is not the end of the world because with a few simple precautionary measures and much-needed lifestyle changes, you can continue to lead a normal life.